Sleep deprived and brilliant (Feb. 17)
Lucas was back to sleeping well for a few nights last week, but then fell off the wagon again this weekend. Last night he woke up around 2 am and never went back to sleep.
Somehow he was in great spirits this morning, including telling an epic tale of just about everything on his mind. Lucas recently has gotten into hearing us make up stories and trying to make up stories himself (in contrast to many years of insisting on just stories out of books). He’ll tell a “bald eagle story” or a “gazelle story” that lasts a couple minutes. But this morning the saga went on and on and on. At one point in the story the Gallimimus (a dinosaur featured in a book he and Burke read around 5 am) went to visit Papa, then turned on the Christmas tree lights, only to have Papa put it in a container. A large container with four T-Rexes. We got out paper and transcribed this much of his story…
The gallimimus ran across the neighborhood. And then Brooksy went really fast, and the velociraptor ran across the gallimimus. Just then the gallimimus ran to the caravan, and the gallimimus saw a triceratops at the Burke museum. And he also saw a glyptodon climbing up on trees. And just then the velociraptor grabbed the gallimimus. He was really sad. He never went to the taxi van with the velociraptor. And the velociraptor made a mistake… the velociraptor decided to make a mistake. The gallimimus turned his head around, and he saw a bunch of foxes. And the gallimimus said Bow Wow Wow. He looked around at a bunch of pictures for the T-Rex. And the gallimimus almost got into a crocodile, when the crocodile snapped the gallimimus. The crocodile went along the beaches, and he looked in his pocked and saw a bunch of needles and he threw them out. Because the velociraptor and the crocodile and the gallimimus all played together, watching the bald eagle video. The gallimimus was very busy, that the velociraptor looked up in the tangerine sky. When he got in the tangerine sky, he looked. And the gallimimus went to Whidbey Island.
A key to some concepts:
Gallimimus, triceratops, velociraptor, and T-rex: dinosaurs
Glyptodon: prehistoric armadillo-like mammal
Brooksy: a dog Lucas met and loved last year
Burke museum: Seattle natural history museum, with dinosaurs
Taxi van: a highlight for Lucas of our trip to LA was going in a wheelchair adapted taxi
Bow Wow Wow: what the puppy says in the book “Little Yip Yip”
Bald Eagle video: Lucas’s favorite part of our trip to the audubon center on Saturday
Tangerine Sky: Yes, Lucas loves Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Caspar Babypants-style