Not quite ready (Sept. 6)
We’re proud to report that Lucas was able to breathe on his own for almost 12 hours last night. Late in the night, though, it became clear that he was exerting a lot of effort to keep up the breathing and that his body was tiring of exchanging CO2 for oxygen. So early this morning the doctors put Lucas back on the ventilator.
We had seen Lucas increasing his effort over the course of the evening following his extubation, and we’d been warned by doctors and other parents that it is common for babies to need to go back on the ventilator, so the early morning call from the doctor didn’t come as a big surprise. We’re glad he got to give it a shot, and we’ll be cheering by his side again next time he tries taking a big step forward.
This morning Lucas is tired from all his work over the last 24 hours, plus a little doped out on the morphine they gave him to make the re-intubation more tolerable. So we’re letting him rest while we read him the Sunday paper and congratulate him on all his hard work.
Comments (5)
Great Aunt Kit and Great Uncle J.D.
September 7th, 2009 at 11:08 am
You rock, Lucas… 12 hours off the ventilator :) Each time, you’ll be breathing longer on your own until one day, you’ll be breathing completely on your own! Just rest now until the next attempt. It has to be really hard work. Give your Mom and Dad a hug from us. I’m sure they’re exhausted, too. Later…
XO Great aunt Kit
Julie Graves, Albany CA
September 7th, 2009 at 12:23 am
The view of Lucas’ face without the tube is wonderful to see. Those cheeks are chubbing up, getting ready to do the baby work of nursing! Go, Lucas. You will get off the tube for good, soon enough.
September 6th, 2009 at 9:56 pm
The time will come soon. A luta continua!
Stef S.
September 6th, 2009 at 3:34 pm
Go Lucas! It is so inspiring to read about the improvements you make everyday, not to mention the strength of your parents in supporting you through it. Keep breathing, little friend, and rest up!
September 6th, 2009 at 1:27 pm
Hey guys – just getting caught up on things after being away for a couple of days. I know it’s SO frustrating to have to go back on the vent, but, like you said, totally normal. I think Zoe was reintubated 3 or 4 times before finally being ready. Good to give him a chance. He will get there! Glad to hear about the baby step improvements and so excited he’s taking so much milk. That is so good and will make him stronger. Good job Lucas.
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