Bathing, smiling, growing (March 23)
Lucas had a good weekend (watching college basketball with dad, among other things) and was happy to see Gramma back in town on Monday. She took care of Lucas while we went next door to hang out with friends on Monday night – we carried a walkie-talkie in case anything went down – and then got in on the action with a whale bath on Tuesday. As usual Lucas enjoyed his bath, making little cooing sounds and kicking about, and then Gramma helped out with a post-bath massage.
But Lucas enjoying the whale bath is old news. On the other hand, the abundance of smiling Lucas has been doing lately is a fun, new development. Today he couldn’t stop smiling while playing with toys, or watching mom make goofy faces, or getting his diaper changed, or even while in the midst of a mouth-sunction (he loves chewing on the tube.) In fact, the only time he would stop was when we pulled out the camera to take a picture of his beautiful smile. As soon as we pointed it toward Lucas he would turn very serious, only to bust back into a wide-eyed grin once we clicked the off button. We finally did catch a few half smiles, as you can see from the photos.
Not to be outdone, Lucas continues to put meat on his bones, weighing in at over 15 and a half pounds during his visit to the pediatrician yesterday for some vaccine shots. The other day we realized that he was sporting the same outfit that he’d once been swimming in so we decided to take an updated picture… from late October to today. Chubby cheeks indeed!
Comments (6)
amy (WHC)
March 25th, 2010 at 6:05 pm
Hey Lucas!! Erica is correct, I did just return for an amazing two weeks in Italy…minus the fact for some reason I could not pull up the blog on the computers there! Non the less I just did all my catching up:) Can’t wait to play again!
Erica shaw (WHC)
March 25th, 2010 at 12:17 pm
Hey buddy,
Looking great! I look forward to our next date night with Amy. She is back in the country from her European world tour, so just give us a call!
Tara Melinkovich
March 24th, 2010 at 11:49 am
Look at those chubby legs!!
Jody Foster/John Ryan
March 24th, 2010 at 11:03 am
We LOVE seeing this smiling babe, with his chubby cheeks filling out his onsie. So cute! The parents look pretty darn good, too.
Lucas, we’re big into bracketology and watching basketball, along with you and your dad.
Besos y abrazos. XO
March 24th, 2010 at 10:00 am
it is amazing to see how much Lucas has grown! ditto on the necessity of covert smile snapshotting. maybe they know something we don’t…you did got a little smile in that middle pic, and it’s beautiful!
judi beck
March 24th, 2010 at 1:36 am
I’ve been gone a week and was anxious to get the Lucas update. It is remarkable how much he’s grown! And…as for refusing his smile for the camera…that’s a very common problem in our household, as well! You’ve learned earlier than we did that you have to sneek up on your kids to get a good photograph of their delight in life!
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