Extubation! (Sept. 5)

IMG_2431This afternoon the doctors decided to give Lucas a shot at breathing on his own. At a little after 5 pm they pulled the tube out of his windpipe, shut off the ventilator, and sat back to see what he would do.  And wouldn’t you know it, the little guy hardly missed a beat! Lucas picked up his breathing and ran with it, and for 5 hours now he’s been going at it on his own. What can we say, we’re proud of him!

It’s not uncommon for babies to go back on the ventilator after being extubated (that’s the technical term for removing the tube) so they’re still watching him closely and checking his blood gas levels to see if the CO2 in his blood is going up, which would be a sign that he’s still not quite ready to be off the tube.  They’ve got a nasal cannula running oxygen by his nose to give him a little boost, and clearly he’s working a little harder than usual.  But its great to see more of his face, and frankly it’s got to be one of the more exciting changes we’ve witnessed so far with Lucas.  He’s still got a long ways to go, but for now we’re going to toast to him and the day’s accomplishments… and get some rest ourselves.

Lucas says “I’m breathing on my own!”

5th September, 2009 This post was written by admin

Comments (6)

erica shaw (WHC)

September 7th, 2009 at 3:55 pm    

i am so excited to see that you made it, even if for just a short time, without your breathing tube. what an amazing feat! you have been so strong through all of this, and i feel so blessed to be allowed to follow your amazing life, even if just through the computer. don’t be discouraged about still needing the ventilator, you will get there, i know it. stay strong for your parents, they are just amazing as you are.


Uncle Steve Hanson

September 6th, 2009 at 7:14 pm    

Yay. Krista and Burke, I don’t think it’s a co-incidense that we both felt an upsurge of optimism for Lucas the other day (for me – on the other side of the country, without knowledge the doctors plan to do a trial run of breathing on his own, which he did successfully)! Yay!!!

I also couldn’t avoid noticing something in the picture – I think Lucas just set a new record for the earliest/youngest Hanson relative ‘right hand exploration’ there. ;) I have a hunch I previously ‘held’ that distinguished record, but as they say – records are made to be broken. Oh well. :) (Gosh, I hope that bit of benign humor doesn’t offend any sensative persons).

Way to go. Lucas bro!

Uncle Steve

nonna stansbury

September 6th, 2009 at 1:54 pm    

Hi Burke, Krista and Lucas,
We were so happy when you called yesterday. I was having a sad day, but right after your call the sun came out. Our friends the Lashers and Sharon Dunn came to share “slow food” with us and we toasted to Lucas. Then went to a wonderful poetry reading by Tess Gallahager. When we got back the full moon was peeking through the clouds. I feel that the sun and moon came out for Lucas
Tess was married to Raymond Carver and writes poetry and short stories. I read this peom from her new book last night and thought of you.

“The little Match Box”

And if there were two moons,
who would sleep when one
passed before the other
and took it in
on it’s dark side? Wouldn’t
some extra light ray out
around the sustaining one?
Wouldn’t you sense
the two in one, even if you’d
never seen them parted?

Sometimes a glory
is just that—a guessing-into
the seen, noticing
the fringe of presence
when it comes, trying to match
its fervency by something
as tangible, something
only you are equal to.



September 6th, 2009 at 10:43 am    

Good work, Lucas. Great to hear about all the progress. We read about you three every day (now from NYC), and send love and good wishes. Loved the tribute to the Fabulous Krista; think Burke is wonderful too.
Beso beso XX
PS Dr John asks if the spinal tap led to the improvement that allowed extubation?

Ashley and Brandon

September 6th, 2009 at 2:18 am    

Yeah Lucas! It is so great to hear the news and see your beautiful face! We are so happy with your progress and excited by your daily improvements. Keep fighting and know that we are sending you all of our positive energy, vibes and good wishes!
We hope your parents are getting a night of well deserved rest!
Ashley and Brandon and the Gillespie girls

Max and Jess

September 6th, 2009 at 12:30 am    

HOORAY! What a beautiful picture! Congrats to all of you, and keep up the good work, Lucas!

Max and Jess

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