Happy Cat

We’ve noticed that our cat Raven has been acting very strange while Lucas is on the hospital. Humans haven’t been around that much, and she can probably sense that there is heightened anxiety around the house when we are there. But more than anything, she missed Lucas. Well, now that he’s back in his regular spot on the couch Raven is snuggling in with him, content at last.

Lucas’s last day at Children’s went about as expected — a classic hurry-up-and-wait. Some doctors from the Orthopedics team came in at 7 am as Lucas and I were still waking up to tell us… nothing really. He’d get discharged at some point today (which we already knew) but needed to get the final go-ahead from the surgeon first, “probably sometime after noon…” But then by 10:30 someone came in and removed his last drain, followed by the IV, and we were clear to go. We started frantically packing up everything strewn about his room, picked up his medications… but of course the discharge papers still had to be signed, which somehow took another 2 hours. Finally, around 1 pm we loaded Lucas in his wheelchair (pain not too bad!), grabbed the “get well soon” balloon that Ida gifted him, and headed out the door.

Heading out!

Now that we’re home it seems like a real whirlwind. Overall, given the intensity of the surgery and the usual nature of in-patient hospital stays we feel pretty good about where things are at. Hopefully Lucas will be back up in his wheelchair soon, blogging himself about how his new, straight, titanium-rod assisted spine is treating him.

19th November, 2023 This post was written by burke

Comments (4)

Kristin Lasher

November 20th, 2023 at 10:52 am    

Lucas. Is your cat really as big as that picture shows?  She/he looks most content and especially to snuggle on your bed. I love snuggling animals. Well I lie. A snake would raise every hair on my body. I imagine every one would agree with that. Would you?   K

Kristin Lasher

Connie Coffman

November 19th, 2023 at 8:59 pm    

Congratulations on your successful surgery and on being back home, Lucas!
I hope your titanium assisted spine is helpful and that everyone sleeps well tonight and gets rested up!

Claudia Rodriguez

November 19th, 2023 at 6:54 pm    

Dear Lucas,

I am glad your surgery was a success and that you are back at home now! I hope you recovery will be fast and smooth!

Judi Beck

November 19th, 2023 at 5:43 pm    

SO GLAD LUCAS IS FINALLY HOME!!! And so glad that everyone in the house….mom, dad, Ida and the cat are happy! Looking forward to hearing about the progress to more time in the wheelchair!

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