Handsome Mom Writes (Nov. 22)

Dear loyal blog readers,

The Lucas blog feels like it is almost in relic state. Our kids keep growing, but you wouldn’t know it here! Lucas is writing his own stories – mostly fiction, but he is also starting to do some personal writing. When we started his writing blog (handsomeboywrites.org), he posted anything and everything he wrote – mostly the Raven Diaries. But he’s growing and branching out. Sometimes he writes sci-fi and fantasy. Sometimes he writes letters to his ventilator. Now, sometimes he posts and sometimes he keeps the writing for himself.

I have also been writing! And while Lucas is in my writing, I’m trying not to tell his story as much as tell mine (though, of course, our stories are closely intertwined, especially when I write about parenting and caregiving and advocacy.) I’m trying to find the stories and space to reflect on what we’ve been through, what we’ve learned, what we’re still going through and still learning. And then, hopefully, I’ll figure out, like Lucas, which parts of those stories I/we are ready to share.

A couple weeks ago my first essay was published, called My Whole Heart in an online publication called The Write Launch. The essay is about school and disability, about watching your child go out into a sometimes-hostile world, about living with the knowledge that it could be better but only rarely is. It is about wanting to make my love a protective force field that he can take out into the world, and the knowing that I don’t quite have that power. And it is about surrender, letting him be in this complicated world and seeing him do that so gracefully.

So I guess I can’t help but write about Lucas. I am consulting with him along the way (as much as he is willing to indulge me), doing my best to get his consent for me sharing our stories with a broader audience.

I share this piece here not so much because we need you to tell us we’re doing a great job (there was a time we needed that affirmation was like bread, and this blog was so important for that – if you were here then, thank you!) I’m writing now with the hope that these articles will be tools for change. Hopefully I’m asking all of us to pause and notice who we haven’t yet included. Or maybe I hope my writing will be like fairy dust for our imaginations, inspiring us to envision ways of being together — ways of providing care and access and accommodations – that are radically better for all of us.

Thank you for reading, for sharing, for your thoughts and feedback. I am so grateful for your community.

22nd November, 2022 This post was written by krista

Comments (3)


November 23rd, 2022 at 2:28 pm    

Your essay is extraordinary, Krista. We all have so much to learn from Lucas (and Ida!). Thank you for sharing their stories with us. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving. We all have a lot to be thankful for.

Chris Lione

November 22nd, 2022 at 5:34 pm    

Love this Krista. You have so much to say and so many friends who want to know.Love to you all. ❤️Chris 

Mamas Midwives

November 22nd, 2022 at 5:06 pm    

Dearest Krista, I have followed your story, and Lucas’s for these 13 years, and am in awe of the wisdom and generosity of spirit that have evolved in you over the years, and of the remarkable fortitude and resilience of your beautiful son. You started this journey with a heart full of love, and I’m quite sure that is what has carried your family through all the bumps and turns in the road, flourishing as you all have. Thank you for staying in touch, and allowing Erin and me to continue sharing in your journey. You will never know how much you have enriched the lives of those you have touched and who have continued to follow along with you and your Handsome Boy.
With love, Your admirer, Máiri

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