For the love of music (June 16)

If you’re a long-time reader of Lucas’s blog you’ll remember than way back when Lucas was a baby — struggling with frequent, complicated health issues — he had already developed a deep appreciation of music. You could see it in his eyes when a song he loved came on; there were certain ones (I’m thinking Elizabeth’s Mitchell’s “Three Little Birds” and They Might be Giants “Pictures of Pandas Painting Penguins”) that we had to play over and over again at Lucas’s request. Then there was the Caspar Babypants period around 3 years old when all we could play in the van was Seattle’s local punk-rocker turned kids musician, especially his version of Pete Seeger’s “Mister Rabbit.”

For a kid with very limited ability to move his body and get around, listening to music is one of those things that is perfectly suited to his way of being… he just needs to demand enough times that we turn on his favorite album and then he can just kick back and enjoy it. (In fact, now his iPad is set up so that he can choose all of his own songs and albums which takes things to another level.)

It’s especially wonderful is that he’s passed on this love of music to his sister, and Ida will sometimes sit on the couch by Lucas singing along to one of his favorite songs… because she, like the rest of us, has heard it so many times. She also loves the old classics, as evidenced by this recent performance by the lake that I caught on video:

Lucas’s current favorite medium for music are his self-crafted playlists, which he constructs around a specific theme and calls “greatest hits.” The first (of course!) was Lucas’s Dinosaur Greatest Hits, released in late 2015 to critical acclaim. Next up was Bugs Greatest Hits released in 2016, followed by the Ocean Greatest Hits (parts 1 and 2) released in early 2017. Lately his been on a role, having released Lucas’s Space Greatest Hits, Little Critters Greatest Hits, Big Critters Greatest Hits, Birds Greatest Hits and Vehicle Greatest Hits — all in the last 2 months! The album cover for the space album is included for your pleasure, and all of these are available as CDs (if you still own a CD player) complete with track listings. They are expansive, masterful compilations of children’s songs, if I do say so myself.

Lucas not only loves to listen to music but increasingly enjoys singing. We’ve been part of the Columbia City family choir since 2014 but when we first joined Lucas didn’t sing along very often (here’s a previous blog post about Lucas and music that talks about our early days in the choir). Now he often pipes up and shouts out his favorite songs, and not just at choir. He has the uncanny ability to memorize song lyrics after just a few listens, and can often be heard singing to himself while resting on the couch after a long day at school, or in bed at 6 am while waiting for his parents to wake up. On those occasions I’ll come into his room, half awake, and he’ll say “Daddy! I was just thinking about the Little Critters Album and how the monkey section should come after the frog section but before the racoon section!” “Sounds good, buddy,” I say as I snuggle next to Lucas in a fruitless attempt to get him to go back to sleep. “It’s your album. But can we wait until the sun comes up to work on it?”

One of Lucas’s recent discoveries (thanks to the Seattle Public Library) are the Sandra Boynton albums that come from some of her famous books, in particular “Philadelphia Chickens” and the country album “Frog Trouble.” The other day Lucas and I decided to record ourselves singing some of the songs and here are a few clips, including Ida’s favorite song “Snuggle Puppy.”

      snuggle puppy
      pig island
17th June, 2017 This post was written by burke

Comments (5)

Jeannie Brown

June 19th, 2017 at 2:22 pm    


Alexis & Mackenzie

June 18th, 2017 at 8:22 pm    

Lucas! You wouldn’t guess what song we have been singing all week to Angelo! Snuggle puppy! Your version with your daddy is beautiful. I have some trouble with the melody but from now on I am going to try to sing it just like you :) your voice sounds so nice, especially when you hit the “oooooooh” :) we miss you!


June 17th, 2017 at 1:20 pm    

and another: bugs album


June 17th, 2017 at 12:59 pm    

here’s another album cover: dino album

Chris Lione

June 17th, 2017 at 12:39 pm    

What a fun post Lucas. Tom and I are on a bus to New York so we have to wait until we get home tonight to hear the “trio” perform.

The album cover of Lucas’s Space, 2017 Greatest Hits it wonderful. Many years ago, before CDs I used to design almum covers — some pop but mostly for classical music. Can you please post your other covers?
Much love to all of you.
Chris and Tom

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