We just finished up 2 great days with our friends from the Bay Area who came up to the Redwoods River Resort to meet us. We took a walk in the nearby Richardson Grove of giant redwoods, splashed in the Eel River (and the RV park pool), and spent a lot of time hanging around the campground exploring and playing games. Lucas and Rafi (also known as Splash and Lu, who have know each other since they were both tiny babies) had fun reconnecting, and Layla and Ida (both 2) also had a blast. It wasn’t easy getting them all to fall asleep, but eventually we did and the adults got to catch up around the fire as well.
Here’s what Lucas wrote about the experience:
what it is like to have our friends over .
their splash & bubles names are mayor sting the
stingray (daniella), lue the football fish (rafi), tidy the garbaldi fish (layla) and zeeb the zebra bullhead shark (gabe).
it has been fun hanging out with them
lue’s favorite game to play is galixy bowling .
i also played shufleboard with lue
i am going to miss them when they go .