Too many tickle times (June 30)

Yesterday I made an ill-fated deal with Lucas: that if he went on a walk without complaining around the state park campground (outside of Bandon on the southern Oregon coast) that he could listen to the song he’s been obsessed with (Tickle Time) 43 times. Well, he took the deal and the rest is history…
43 tickle times .
i did the math if our deal was to listen to tickle time
43 times & we have listend to it 12 times how many
times left to listen to it…. 31 times!
l went to the oregon coast aquarium .
we saw a pelican show .
the pelicans name was jojo
there was also a sea lion show .
there was also a sea bird feeding with murres &
we are at flows beach house .
flow is gramma’s splash & bubles name .
i got to hold some bird eggs at the bird feeding .
30th June, 2017 This post was written by burke No Comments

Busy day (June 30)

busy day.

one of the coolest things that i did today
was that i got in a tent .
i listend to tickle time in the tent .
i went to a dinosaur park called prehistoric
i tried to fly the poison dart frog kite but it
didnt work so we tried the squid kite & it
worked much better .
i saw the waves on the ocean .
we are on the oregon coast .
it is beautiful .
i got to listen to rinoceros tap .


30th June, 2017 This post was written by burke 3 Comments

What i love about today (June 29)

We’ve been in the wilds of Northern California and now the Oregon Coast and thus we’re often out of cell phone range with very little opportunity to connect to the internet. So we’re definitely behind on blogging. Today’s post is actually what Lucas wrote as we camped along the beautiful Klamath River last night. We decided to go to this place called Trees of Mystery in the afternoon which seemed a little over the top when we read about it but ended up being amazing, especially the wheelchair accessible gondola ride to the top of the hill, and the shuttle we took to get the base of the gondola. Here’s what Lucas had to say:
what i love about today .
tickle time of course .
i filled dunk with kichi kichi koo & not the rest of
tickle time
also i went in a gondola .
it was
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool.
i was a tiny bit nervous at first but then when i went
in i said i was ready for anything .
we went in a shutle to .
29th June, 2017 This post was written by burke 2 Comments

What it is like to have our friends over (July 28)

We just finished up 2 great days with our friends from the Bay Area who came up to the Redwoods River Resort to meet us. We took a walk in the nearby Richardson Grove of giant redwoods, splashed in the Eel River (and the RV park pool), and spent a lot of time hanging around the campground exploring and playing games. Lucas and Rafi (also known as Splash and Lu, who have know each other since they were both tiny babies) had fun reconnecting, and Layla and Ida (both 2) also had a blast. It wasn’t easy getting them all to fall asleep, but eventually we did and the adults got to catch up around the fire as well.
Here’s what Lucas wrote about the experience:
what it is like to have our friends over .
their splash & bubles names are mayor sting the
stingray (daniella), lue the football fish (rafi), tidy the garbaldi fish (layla) and zeeb the zebra bullhead shark (gabe).
it has been fun hanging out with them
lue’s favorite game to play is galixy bowling .
i also played shufleboard with lue
i am going to miss them when they go .
28th June, 2017 This post was written by burke 3 Comments

Redwoods River Resort (June 27)

We’ve arrived at the furthest point south of our trip, near the town of Leggett in northern California. Our friends from the Bay Area came up to meet us for two days and they’ve already been given special aliases by Lucas (aka Splash) — Daniella is Mayor Sting, Gabe is Zeeb the zebra bullhead shark, Rafi is Lu the footballfish, and Layla is Tidy the Garibaldi fish. We also got a surprise visit Aunt Megan who happened to be nearby at a festival. Before they all arrived, we all went up to the pool and Splash blogged (and then played games) while Bubbles and I jumped around in the water. Here’s what he had to say:

redwoods river resort .

it is the camp sight that we are in.
bubles is swiming in the pool with ripple .
it feels like she is doing this forever
will she ever end?
i LOVE the jumping .
and it felt great 2 see the very big trees.

27th June, 2017 This post was written by burke 2 Comments

Really big trees… and Tickle Time (June 26)

Rather than write a traditional travel blog last night Lucas decided to transcribe the lyrics of his new favorite song, “Tickle Time” from the album Rhinoceros Tap… which we have no choice but to include here. But first he agreed to let us post some great pictures of yesterday morning’s stroll deep into the redwoods. We found a wheelchair accessible path in an amazing grove near the RV park where we stayed outside of Crescent City.

And the song:

Kichi kichi koo gota kichi kichi koo.
tickle time tickle time tickle tickle tickle time .
tickle 1 tickle 2 tickle me and tickle blue
tickle back tickle forth tickle east & tickle north.
when you are feeling blue & you dont know what to do
there is nothing like a tickle time to make you feel like new
there is nothing like a tickle time to make you feel like
new so lets all get together & we’ll kichi kichi koo
tickle south tickle west we think tickle times the best .
tickle up tickle down tickle all around the town .
tickle smooth tickle rough tickle till youve had enough
kichi kichi koo gota kichi kichi koo .
now everybodys had enogh everybodys had enogh .
kichi kichi koo gota kichi kichi koo .
we said everybodys had enogh hey everybodys had enogh.
kichi kichi koo gota stop stop stop


26th June, 2017 This post was written by burke 3 Comments

Redwoods (June 25)

We arrived to a beautiful KOA outside of Crescent City, CA last night. Lucas was impressed with the surroundings:

redwoods .
it is AMAZING!
as all of us reef town rangers & people can see
there are REALY BIG TREES!
our drive was about 8 hours wich is much much
much much longer than yesterday .
we listend to my favorite album called rhinocerus
tap twice a day .

Blogging in the forest 8:30 pm, June 24

25th June, 2017 This post was written by burke 3 Comments

Day 1 of road trip 2017 (June 24)

We made it on the road in the RV and below is what Lucas had to say about it in his few minutes of blogging this morning. As you can see he’s already assigning aliases from the show Splash and Bubbles to all our friends who we encounter along the way:

yestrday we started our roadtrip!
i miss reef town already .
we drove for 4 or 5 hours wich is about the same
lenth drive as today.
we went to deni & mories aka anti alice & andrews
house .

It wasn’t easy driving to Vancouver to pick up the RV, then back to Seattle to load up gear and family, then hitting the road in the midst of Friday afternoon traffic only to arrive in Portland at 8:30 pm. But our friends Alice and Andrew were waiting with good food and margaritas which made it all worth it. More soon…

24th June, 2017 This post was written by burke 4 Comments

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