2012 in the world of Lucas (Dec. 31)
It’s probably true that when your kid is young, ever year that goes by seems like a monumental one. And that may be especially true for a child with special needs like Lucas. But as 2012 comes to a close, it appears likely to be remembered as the most monumental of Lucas’s early life (excepting, perhaps 2009, the year he was born). A list of “firsts” demonstrates this best:
- In March, Lucas made his first ever airplane trip when we moved across the country from Washington DC to Seattle. If you recall our months of blog posts leading up to the big day you’ll remember how challenging it was to prepare for the flight itself, not to mention everything else that entailed to move a child with a trach and ventilator across the country. And yet, “we made it!” (as Lucas would say). It wasn’t nearly as hard as we expected, either… though that could be because everything about “the move” seems kind of like a blur at this point.
The flip side of the move was that Lucas had to say his first real goodbyes to people who had come to mean a lot to us. So many wonderful friends in Washington DC made up our community during Lucas’s first years of life. Fortunately, lots of east coast friends have already visited since the move. Still, some of the people Lucas got to know best in DC – like his nurses Florence and Victor – were really hard to say goodbye to.
- Our first order of business after getting settled into our new house was going to the zoo to see Real Live Penguins! Lucas had been penguin-obsessed for months and part of the way we sold moving to Seattle was by explaining that he would get to visit penguins up close and personal. It ended up being just as thrilling as everyone had expected.
- Once we made it to the Northwest Lucas also set about getting to know all of his extended family. Instead of only getting to seeing Burke’s family a handful of times a year, being in Seattle has meant lots of fun times with Nonna, Papa, Aunt Ashley, Uncle Brandon, Madden, Tya, and Ellody. Then this summer we took our first big trip to Oregon to meet Krista’s cousins, aunts, uncles, and other friends, which Lucas really enjoyed. And though we’re a state away from Gramma and Aunt Megan, we’ve also gotten to see a lot of both of them, as well.
- In June, Lucas participated in his first public testimony before the Seattle City Council. Ok, it was actually his parents that testified, but Lucas sat bravely by our side, and later chanted “vote yes!” as we waited for the council to pass a resolution in support of caregivers. Getting to be part of the Caring Across Generations resolution campaign was one exciting way that we – as a family – got active politically in Seattle. We also attended meetings and events hosted by the Disability Justice Collective and a newly formed anti-racist parents group.
- In July, we bought a used wheelchair van. And we started to go to Lake Washington with Lucas… a lot. These things are connected in that 2012 was the year Lucas became a lot more mobile. The van meant we no longer had to load Lucas from his wheelchair into a car seat, strap him in, fold up the chair and put it in the trunk… then repeat in reverse upon arrival to our destination. Around the same time, Lucas became much more open-minded about venturing out and having adventures (as long as the right Casper Babypants song is playing on the van stereo). There were times in DC where we felt trapped and isolated with Lucas. The summer of 2012 that really changed, culminating in Lucas’s decision to submerge his lower body into the lake in August.
All that being said, there were setbacks too. We celebrated Lucas’s first drive in a powerchair in early June but as the year ends he still does not enjoy the benefits of even semi-independent mobility. Learning to drive has proved to be difficult for Lucas, especially in terms of finding the right equipment and set up to make it work. We’ll keep trying in 2013.
- Perhaps his most significant achievement: in September, Lucas started pre-school! Three and a half months in and it’s not such a big deal to put him on the bus four days a week and wave goodbye as he and his nurse make the trip to Lowell. It wasn’t that long ago that we wondered if Lucas would ever be able to go school, and imagined that it would be a terrifying/frustrating/agonizing ordeal if it did indeed come to pass. Instead, he loves it, and we feel extremely fortunate to have found a school that works so well for Lucas… but we also know – based on stories from countless other special needs parents – that tougher times are ahead.
- In November Lucas made his first trip to the emergency room since he was 5 months old. That alone is a rather remarkable record for a kid with such acute respiratory issues, but the real miracle was that he only stayed there for less than 5 days. We don’t need to retell the story of Lucas’s blocked airway, the paramedics, the CPR… how close, in fact, he came to dying. It’s something no child should ever have to go through, nor any parents for that matter. But after some lethargic, worrisome days (or weeks?) Lucas is now 100% back to his old self, and we continue to feel relieved and grateful about Lucas’s quick recovery.
Indeed, the experience of nearly losing Lucas makes just about everything else seem like small beans. Last night Lucas refused to sleep and kept us both up for hours… I (Burke) found myself lying next to him at 3 AM as he demanded that we read “Chickens Aren’t the Only Ones”, or sing songs, or that I put his head on the “other side” for the 20th time of the night. And yet I wasn’t annoyed or frustrated. In fact, it was kinda funny.
As the year comes to an end, our hearts are full in so many ways. Lucas, and the universe, continue to introduce us to so many new and unexpected experiences, sometimes even unwanted ones. And yet somehow we keep finding the people, support, wisdom, and maybe even grace that we need to find our way along as a family. Thank you all for being part of this great adventure. And may your new year be filled with compassion, love, and community.