Singing Songs (July 12)
Lucas had a great week with his Gramma Susan — lots of reading, cuddling, and bouncing. He also got to watch his parents happily eat meal after meal of delicious vegan and raw food that his Gramma prepared for them. Thanks Susan!
Lucas has been showing off his vocal chords, and his whale-like singing has been getting louder and more purposeful. So yesterday Burke got out the recorder and taped some of his singing. Here’s a clip. [audio:]
In this audio recording you can hear the vent in the background, but later we turned the vent off, put on his speaking valve… and for the first time Lucas made sounds through the valve! It’s no guarantee he’ll be able to have long (verbal) conversations or give lengthy speeches about the nature of the universe later on down the line, but it’s exciting to imagine that it’s possible. And in the mean time we’re loving his singing regardless of what it turns into.
Lucas has also been building leg strength, and he showed off his bounce for his uncle Isham, who shot this video on Saturday. Lucas has been loving to use his legs to bounce for the past couple months, but the peanut-bounce has been even more exciting this past week ever since his dad figured out how to hang toys from the ceiling.
Besides Lucas’s gradma’s visit, last week was also exciting in other ways. His overnight nurse, Victor, couldn’t come for the whole week, so we found out that we can take care of Lucas ourselves for a fairly extended period of time without totally wearing out. And at the same time, Burke was really busy at work with the launch of the immigrant stories project. You can check it out at Here’s one of the featured videos from the project. It’s an especially moving story to us because we’ve known Ana and have been inspired by her passion and commitment for a long time.
Comments (2)
July 13th, 2010 at 12:35 pm
Glad to hear lucas is making a racket! Also really loved hearing about the social forum. My old roommate in Sacramento is a disability attorney. She really taught me a lot about the history of the struggle for disability rights and how it ties in with race and class, given that so many people of color are locked up in this country, and the proportion of those who are locked up and have disabilities is extremely high. I am glad to hear there is a movement connected to the social forum.
I thought this was interesting discussion of how the genome project has developed, and what we know about how genes work.
Mary G
July 12th, 2010 at 10:07 pm
Wow! Go y’all! Two moving videos and one moving audio, all in one post. Y’all rock! Rock on, Lucas, with your peanut-bounce!
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