The outside world, pt. 2 (March 8)

Lucas’s first Sunday walk in the park was all that we dreamed of.  And the little guy did great – we went for nearly two hours, walking the path along Rock Creek one direction, then a picnic on the bank of the river, than back the other direction.  We kept the car within 20 minutes walking distance but it didn’t matter because Lucas went the whole time without a major episode involving his airway.  We did suction out his mouth once or twice and got some funny stares from a passerby who thought we’d just fired up a chain saw (the portable suction is a little loud).  Meanwhile, Burke tried to swim in the creek but could hardly get his feet wet without them freezing solid from the bitterly cold snow run-off.

Lucas wasn’t too happy about the bright sunshine at first but eventually he warmed up to it, and by the time we ran into our neighbors Ben, Megan, Lauren and Julian he was looking all around.  Lucas and Lauren have a special connection because her family used to live in our apartment, and Lauren lived in the room now occupied at night by Lucas.  Lauren is two now and as she gazed down at Lucas he stared back up with fascinated eyes.  In the end Lucas was kind of sad to load back into the car… and he’s already looking forward to his next big excursion!

Note: Although this looks rugged, we were actually just a stone's throw from the road.

8th March, 2010 This post was written by admin 7 Comments

The outside world, pt. 1 (March 7)

As the coldest, snowiest winter in recent DC history draws to a close, we’re feeling anxious and excited, especially by the possibilities presented by the first signs of spring.  Yesterday, we made our way outside with Lucas for a glorious afternoon porch-sit (see photos below) and today we’re gearing up for our first big walk in the park.

You may recall that Lucas requires a ventilator most of the day to help him breath, and therefore a trip to hang out on the front porch is actually a big deal… and a walk in the park an even bigger deal.  He also hates the cold, but yesterday’s temperatures in the 50s were warm enough to keep Lucas perky once we were outside (he usually shuts down whenever we walk out the front door).  We did a little yard work as the sun dipped behind the trees on the horizon, chatted with neighbors, and took turns swinging Lucas around and showing him the sights.

In general, Lucas has continued the great progress he made during the visit of his grandparents last week.  He’s moving more, staying awake for long hours (he kept us busy most of the day yesterday, with just a few cat naps), and making more goofy facial expressions.  He wowed both the physical therapist and occupational therapist last week with good sessions, and ultimately Burke was glad that he didn’t stay any longer in El Salvador lest he miss any more exciting Lucas accomplishments.

7th March, 2010 This post was written by admin 2 Comments

Lucas keeps growing! (March 5)

Burke got back from El Salvador on Wednesday afternoon (thanks everyone for worrying/wondering about how long Lucas was going to be without his dad) and though it was a short trip Lucas appeared to have doubled in size while he was gone.  In fact, he tipped the scales at 14 lbs. 2 ounces this week, a full pound bigger than when he got home from the hospital last month.  He’s so long that he no longer fits in his bassinet and therefore his Nona helped pick up a mini-crib for the back room while the grandparents were in town.  He also got a new mobile with flying cows and horses so that he has something to play with when he wakes up in the middle of the night.

We’ve been writing in Spanish lately because Burke’s trip to El Salvador (for some top secret CISPES business :) meant reconnecting with a lot of old friends who love to check out pictures of Lucas but can rarely read our blog posts.  It amazes us sometimes that compañeros from all over the world are following Lucas’s story, and indeed El Salvador has been one of the most important places in our life so it’s logical that Lucas would be well known there.  Burke feels grateful to have had the opportunity to travel a few times in recent weeks and we’re both glad that Lucas is stable enough for one or the other of us to leave the house for longer periods.  Now it’s Krista’s turn to take that around-the-world kayak trip she’s always wanted to take…

5th March, 2010 This post was written by admin 3 Comments

Bye bye grandparents (March 3)

Mary Jo and Michael flew home yesterday, and Lucas was definitely sad to see them go.  It was certainly great for Lucas to have all the extra love and attention.  He put on a stellar performance for their last day here, smiling bigger than ever before.  We tried to get the smiles on camera, but apparently he’s saving the big smiles for in-person visits.  Even without the big grins, we got some good shots of the day.

Los abuelos Mary Jo y Michael salieron para Seattle ayer, y Lucas se puso triste al verlos salir.  Fue excelente para Lucas toda la atencion y amor.  El chiquitito les dio las sonrisas mas grandes que hemos visto — intentamos tomar fotos, pero Lucas decidio guardar las sonrisas mas grande para las visitas.  Aun asi capturamos algunos de los momentos lindos del dia.

3rd March, 2010 This post was written by admin 3 Comments

Diagnostico y noticias en espanol (March 2)

Lucas esta creciendo rápidamente, y parece que cada día aprende algo nuevo.  Últimamente esta aprendiendo hacer pequeños ruidos (cosa que físicamente no debe ser posible porque el aire de su respiración no pasa por sus cuerdas vocales), y le encanta patear y moverse en su nuevo baño (para ver el video, haga click aquí).  A pesar de todos los retos de salud y equipo técnico que Lucas necesita, disfrutamos todos los días con el.

Hace un mes llevamos Lucas al hospital por lo que pensamos que iba a ser una visita corta, pero descubrieron que Lucas tenía su nivel de sodio tan bajo que era alarmante — casi sin precidentes.  Por eso y por la gran tormenta de nieve que venía nos dieron de alta y pasamos los siguientes nueve días en el hospital.

La ventaja de estar encerrad@s en el hospital fue el acceso que nos dio a doctores y especialistas.  Hasta entonces habíamos entendido que lo que afecta a Lucas y limita sus movimientos era algún herido al cerebro, cosa que el debía estar superando.  Pero después de consultas con varios especialistas en el hospital llegamos a lo que parece ser un diagnostico mucho mas especifico, y que explicaría mucho mejor los problemas de salud que Lucas tiene.  El neurólogo que especializa en enfermedades neuromusculares vio a Lucas y en pocos minutos nos dijo que el veía en Lucas las síntomas claras de una enfermedad muscular.  El día siguiente le hizo un examen eléctrica de los músculos (una electromiograma o EMG), lo cual confirmó que Lucas tiene una de las enfermedades de miopatia.  Lo mas probable es que tiene la miopatia miotubular, que es una enfermedad genética. Serán unas semanas hasta que lo comprueban con la prueba de sangre, pero basado en las historias de otros niños con la enfermedad que hemos leído, estamos casi seguros que Lucas si tiene esta enfermedad.

Aun tenemos mucho que aprender acera de la enfermedad.  Por ahora hemos leído que es una enfermedad rara, que afecta uno de cada 50,000 niños que nacen.  No es degenerativa como otras enfermedades musculares, pero no hay cura ni tratamiento.  Lucas puede hacerse mas fuerte con los años, pero es probable que siempre necesitará maquinas y tecnología para asister con su respiracion, movimiento, y comunicacion.  Muchos de los niños que nacen con esta forma severa de miopatia mueren en las primeras semanas de vida; la mayoría de los que sobreviven los primeros meses llegan a ser adolescentes.  Tambien hemos leido que la enfermedad normalmente no afecta la inteligencia de los niños.

Ha sido una noticia muy dificil para nosotros – cosa que nos ha costado poder escribir y compartir.  Pero desde que aprendimos de esta enfermedad hemos recibido muchísimo apoyo y solidaridad de nuestras familias, amistades, y también de padres y madres de niñ@s discapacitad@s que apenas estamos conociendo.  El futuro de Lucas es algo desconocido, pero lo que si sabemos es que Lucas no ha cambiado, solo que ahora tenemos mas información.  Y como pueden ver el las fotos y videos, Lucas sigue creciendo y disfrutando el mundo a pesar de sus limitaciones.  Y por supuesto Lucas sigue siendo el pequeño luchador que conocemos y queremos.

Gracias a Christy por la gorra!!

2nd March, 2010 This post was written by admin 2 Comments


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